Wednesday, May 21, 2008


Our social worker never got back with us re: the e-mail we sent her 8 days ago. Not a word.

Is it me, or is that just shocking?

I mean, I have no idea WHY I'm so surprised. That's been her m.o. from the beginning - that's the PROBLEM, for heaven's sake! But I swear, if I received a letter like that from someone whom I was supposed to be taking care of (especially if it was my JOB!!!), I'd have been on the phone immediately to apologize and get the situation resolved. At the very least I would have found five minutes in my busy schedule (even if it was "after hours") to ACKNOWLEDGE receiving the e-mail.

In sending the e-mail to our worker, we were really hopeful that things would change and that we could work with her to get our home study approved and have a child placed in our home. She is such a nice nice woman. But that "ding" bell I mentioned in my last post? The "done" bell? It's now ringing like Big Ben. We are through trying to work with her. We have zero confidence that she will handle issues re: our case in a timely manner, if at all.

A few minutes ago, I sent an e-mail to her supervisor requesting that our case be transferred. I explained a bit about our concerns and included a copy of the e-mail we sent our worker last week. I have no idea how it will be received. I've been told by another SW that this supervisor is absolutely fantastic - really kind and helpful. I have my fingers crossed that that's the case, because at this point, a big dose of "really kind and helpful" would not be unwelcomed.