Monday, June 9, 2008

The "P" Word

Could it be?

Dare I say it?

Could there actually be PROGRESS on getting our home study reviewed/approved?

I got the following e-mail a few minutes ago from our social worker's supervisor:

I just spoke with C.. Your home study is at the state office and is being approved at this time. As soon as it is approved, it is being forwarded to the worker for the child you are inquiring about.


Does that mean that our home study has actually been assigned and is in someone's hands, or is it just in the "to be assigned" pile where it's been sitting (albeit incomplete) since March?

Who knows? But I have to say, I have the teeny tiniest spark of hope. Of course, now I'm waiting for the bucket of cold water to come splashing in from some direction and extinguish it. Leftover pessimism from infertility, I'm thinking.

Oh well, at the very least we are now communicating with someone who actually communicates back. Sometimes it's the little things in life that make you happy.