Tuesday, January 20, 2009


Repurpose (rē-pûr'pəs): To use or convert for use in another format or product

I pass by it probably fifty times a day - our extra bedroom turned nursery turned kids’ room. It’s the first door on my right as I leave the den and head down the hall to our guest bathroom, laundry room or guest room where I often spend hours of my day on the computer.

I pass by it fifty times a day and yet I rarely even glance in there.

I remember feeling an urgency to get it all put together. Paying to have the room painted a soft buttery yellow. Refinishing my MIL’s childhood bed and custom ordering a mattress for it. Hurrying to make a quilt of happy vibrant colors to use as a bedspread. Looking for the perfect apple green lamp and rug to match. Filling the shelves with stacks of books so there would be no shortage of bedtime stories. Searching antiques stores looking for the perfect little table and chair where a child could spend hours working on puzzles, coloring, and creating.

It’s all there. Yet I can not stand to look at it.

It feels hollow and empty in there, like a beautiful garden planted with love and then left too long to dry out and shrivel in the darkness.

Other people don’t see that, of course. Kids who visit promptly go marching in to sit at the table to work on Legos or spread out on the floor to read or play. I had a lot of compliments on the room over the holidays as various people lowered their voices and leaned in to ask about how the “adoption thing” was going with that solemn (pitying) look on their faces.

The room that was meant to be a child’s haven is still and quiet.

Where we should have had to make our way carefully around toys left scattered on the floor, I’ve piled up garbage bags filled with things to donate to the Sal*vation Army.

Where a child should have sat working puzzles, I’ve got a last few Christmas decorations that need to make their way back to the Christmas closet.

Where little shirts and jeans and coats should have hung, my husband’s summer clothes await the return of warm weather.

Where a child should have jumped up and down on their bed, coats lay piled when we have guests visit.

Where a child should have slept each night, an occasional friend lays her head.

I have boxes of antiques – some of my very favorite things that never found their place in our new home – waiting for the day when it’s time to make changes to that dark silent room.

I’ve actively worked towards becoming a mom for three years, and dreamed of it for more decades than that. But I realize that when the day comes to finally repurpose that room, so too will I have to make the choice to repurpose my life.

And I have no idea what that will look like.

Absolutely none.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Sick Sickie Sick

This virus-turned-respiratory-infection is seriously kicking our butts. One week and counting for me. Five days and counting for my poor, poor husband. This morning I got out of bed and straightened the house a bit, put away the luggage from our beach-trip-turned-bust, and did a load of laundry. Usually when O is sick, I nearly have to sit on him to get him to be still and rest. Not this time. We've been in bed for the night by 6:55pm the last four days.

The doctor said not to get discouraged - that this virus was a real "hang-er on-er".

Ya think?

Saturday, January 3, 2009

2009 - The Year In Review, Thus Far

the sights: the beautiful white sand beach of the Gulf Coast, the hotel room TV (as I just came into the hotel room, stood on the balcony for five minutes, and then crawled under the covers for the rest of the night. I am one rockin' New Year's Eve date - let me tell ya!); the inside of my eyelids as I slept most of the way home; the new flat screen TV we have in our bedroom as I have watched every Real House*wives of NYC episode today, along with a multitude of weight-loss-hair-removal-sell-things-on-ebay-learn-to-speak-a-new-language commercials. As such, I think I am destined to be one skinny, hairless, rich Japanese-speaking onna no hito by December 31, 2009. See, I'm already on my way!

the sounds: the surf, me being awakened from a dead sleep by people setting off fireworks on the beach at midnight on New Year's Eve; me crying in my husband's arms the next morning because I felt horrible and had to go home from the beach a day early so I could see my doctor on Friday; my doctor telling me that my virus had become an upper respiratory infection and that my cough sounded like a barking seal (gee thanks doc); my husband (now also coughing up his lungs) muttering a multitude of naughty words as our football team got the living sh*it beat out of them last night

the feelings: weak knees (and every other body part); giddiness as my doctor was able to see me at 8:45am yesterday morning; apathy at whether our team won or lost - I felt too bad to even care; sadness that my husband couldn't play golf on this warm day and that he now feels awful too; boredom - ever so much boredom

the smells: yeah, not so much, except when the occasional scent of Vicks Vapo Rub breaks through the congestion - goodness I do love that smell

the tastes: strangely enough, the only thing I can taste is the Godforsaken cough syrup my doctor gave me that I am really grateful to have

So all I can say is, three days into this brand spankin' new year, things can only go up from here.