Saturday, January 3, 2009

2009 - The Year In Review, Thus Far

the sights: the beautiful white sand beach of the Gulf Coast, the hotel room TV (as I just came into the hotel room, stood on the balcony for five minutes, and then crawled under the covers for the rest of the night. I am one rockin' New Year's Eve date - let me tell ya!); the inside of my eyelids as I slept most of the way home; the new flat screen TV we have in our bedroom as I have watched every Real House*wives of NYC episode today, along with a multitude of weight-loss-hair-removal-sell-things-on-ebay-learn-to-speak-a-new-language commercials. As such, I think I am destined to be one skinny, hairless, rich Japanese-speaking onna no hito by December 31, 2009. See, I'm already on my way!

the sounds: the surf, me being awakened from a dead sleep by people setting off fireworks on the beach at midnight on New Year's Eve; me crying in my husband's arms the next morning because I felt horrible and had to go home from the beach a day early so I could see my doctor on Friday; my doctor telling me that my virus had become an upper respiratory infection and that my cough sounded like a barking seal (gee thanks doc); my husband (now also coughing up his lungs) muttering a multitude of naughty words as our football team got the living sh*it beat out of them last night

the feelings: weak knees (and every other body part); giddiness as my doctor was able to see me at 8:45am yesterday morning; apathy at whether our team won or lost - I felt too bad to even care; sadness that my husband couldn't play golf on this warm day and that he now feels awful too; boredom - ever so much boredom

the smells: yeah, not so much, except when the occasional scent of Vicks Vapo Rub breaks through the congestion - goodness I do love that smell

the tastes: strangely enough, the only thing I can taste is the Godforsaken cough syrup my doctor gave me that I am really grateful to have

So all I can say is, three days into this brand spankin' new year, things can only go up from here.