Thursday, October 8, 2009

I needed that . . .

Someone from our foster/adopt classes has found my blog.

She was kind enough to write earlier this week and introduce herself.

To be honest, my first thought was “Oh shit!!!” This is my little corner of the world where I can go to rant and rave and think things out. I wasn’t so much concerned about someone from “real life” finding out about this blog as I was about the fact that I might now need to edit myself from here on out, on the (increasing) chance that D*C*F*S might find their way to me. Because really, what’s the point if I can’t be honest here?

(Of course, for all I know everyone at D*C*F*S reads regularly. If that’s the case, “Hey y’all. Maybe when you finish reading this you could go find us a kid!”)

It’s funny. When I started this blog it was about infertility and our journey towards parenthood. I used my real first name with its’ unusual spelling, and of course included the name of my state. And let’s not forget all the photos of us. I never used O’s name or our last name of course, but I always knew that it wouldn’t be difficult to find me here.

But the only time I’ve ever hesitated to post something I wrote was last week. When I said I’d let a couple of calls from D*C*F*S go right to voicemail. Just before nice-person-from-foster/adopt classes appeared.

I can only roll my eyes at the timing.

All that being said, nice-person-from-foster/adopt class really is just that. She’s lovely and supportive and has promised to keep my blog on the “down low”. I have no doubt that she will, and I am happy to now have someone in my area to compare notes with, get advice from, get to know better, and support.

She did let me know that she and the two couples she’s kept up with from our classes are all close to adopting the children who were placed with them.

Initially that just made me feel bad – that as we were chasing Mia around trying to get her to do her job, they were getting the opportunity to parent. I think that was the cause of a lot of the angry feelings that came up yesterday when I was listening to the girl at the hair salon going on and on and on about her plans to adopt through the state.

But you know what it also did? I re-lit the fire under me. It showed me that it CAN, in fact, happen for us and that if I just hang in there, it probably will.

So I think after our **trip, I will kick things back into overdrive. We’ve been approved for six months now, which means our state has to release our home study to any out-of-state inquiries. I guess I’ll expand our search and we’ll see how it goes.

Thanks for the jump start nice-person-from-G(P)S. I needed that.

** We leave on Saturday morning at o'dark-thirty for a ten-day road trip up through PA and to Niagara Falls. Can. Not. Wait.