The TPR hearing for the little guy we are still hoping to adopt (the one we had to walk away from awhile back)? Postponed for another month. Blahhhhhh.
Never one to wallow around without trying to pull myself out of a funk, I started thinking, "What if we simply aren't supposed to be parents. It's been almost 3 years. What if it just isn't in the cards for us.? What THEN?!?!" Surely I haven't been reading and researching every aspect of the foster system for nothing.
Yesterday, I e-mailed our local C*A*S*A office to find out about becoming a volunteer with their organization. Basically their mission is "to ensure that every abused, neglected and/or abandoned child has a competent, caring volunteer appointed to advocate for the child’s best interest in court".
I haven't heard back from them, but I am really excited at the prospect of finding out more. Of course, my first question was whether us wanting to adopt from the foster system would be considered a conflict of interest. If so, I'll have to stick with our current path, at least for the moment, but it's nice to know that I might be able to take all this knowledge and my passion for kids and actually do something CONSTRUCTIVE with it.
We shall see.