What an absolutely crappy day.
This morning our chances for adopting Chris went from roughly 25% down to about 5%, based on my best guess. It seems that although the state begged Amy to find a placement for Chris and she did just that, they are now saying it’s “too little to late”. We are, of course, welcomed to submit our home study to them for consideration should Chris’ case go to TPR. Mmmmkay. You don’t want to consider us now because we’re out of state. What exactly will change when we are competing with a hundred other home studies what will be submitted for him? We’ll STILL be out of state. Yes, we have the advantage of having an existing relationship with him, and with Amy, but that seems to hold no weight now, so what exactly will be different later????
Speaking of TPR, Amy seems to be racing towards it at lightning speed, due to a series of stupid decisions she’s making. There seems to be no helping her at this point.
So with the advice of a good friend, O and I are going to send Chris’ SW our home study and scrapbook to try and get our foot in the door before the flood gates open and home studies come pouring in. At least the SW will have faces to put with our names and this situation. May not do one freaking bit of good, but we’re not going down without a fight. We'd also still like to go meet with her - not sure if that will happen or not.
But my FAVORITE thing today???? When I pulled the unofficial copy of our home study this afternoon to get it ready to send, I happened to notice that THE HOME STUDY IS INCORRECT. It is, in fact, the one submitted by our completely worthless SW Mia – the one we waited 18 months for her to complete but she never did. The one that was corrected and submitted to the state by our wonderful SW J over a year ago.
Some of the best errors???
I take “Medium” for reflux instead of Nexium.
I graduated from high school 6 years before I actually graduated from high school.
My husband graduated from high school 5 years before he actually graduated from high school.
Apparently I only attended one year of college. Funny that I walked away with a 4-year degree, isn’t it?
We seem to have a dog who will bark like crazy when someone arrives, only to lick the person to death when they get close. We didn’t even have a dog when this home study was written.
Oh, and my favorite is that my name is Mrs. Wells, and I’ve been using a totally incorrect social security number all these years.
I called the person from the state office who sent us this incorrect copy of our home study. She promised to pull our file and mark Mia’s copy “VOID” so that it would not be sent out again. You can bet your bippy that I will call on Monday and follow up on that.
Good Lord I hate this. I truly do. I am absolutely exhausted.