Where I once had a (mostly) sparkling clean and tidy home, I now have very good intentions.
Where we once had two lovely guest rooms for out-of-town visitors, we now have two comfy aerobeds.
Where we once e-a-s-e-d into our morning, we are now awakened promptly at 6:30pm by the world’s most heinous alarm clock.
Where I once spent time online looking for fabulous antiques auctions, I now spend time online looking for fabulous childrens’ consignment stores.
Where we once spent weekends jumping in the car and driving off in search of adventure, we now jump in the car and drive off in search of awesome playgrounds.
Where our home was once peaceful and tranquil, it is now filled with nearly constant whistling, running, singing, chattering, laughing, squealing, playing, noise, fighting, falling, tapping, wiggling, whining, reading and, at the moment, a Nin*tendo DS playing 18 inches from my left ear.
Where I once ran our dishwasher twice a week, I now run it every day. Ditto with the washing machine. Who wears all these clothes?
Where I once watched the weather hoping beyond hope for a snowy forecast in our little corner of Alabama, I now pray for NO MORE SNOW DAYS.
Where our fridge and cabinets once held grown-up foods, we are now inundated with juice boxes and raisin boxes and organic animal crackers.
Where Bravo was usually on somewhere in my home, we now are experiencing our second childhoods watching “Land of the Lost”, “Scooby Doo” (The REAL Scooby Doo, not that communist NEW Scooby Doo), and a ridiculous amount of trashy programming on the Disney Channel. Anyone watched that crap lately?
Where the sounds James Taylor used to come from our stereo speakers, I can now hear Hannah Montana's irritating voice played over and over and over. Ugh.
Where our pup Jackson once only had two people to love her, she now has four bodies to flop down on top of on the sofa.
Where I once constantly chased my cats around with the camera, they now get a bit of a break as I chase two other monkeys around with my camera.
It’s been a big, huge, scary, exciting change. I would love to share more but I cannot, of course. I will return one of these days, though, hopefully with an adoption story and a ridiculous number of photos.
It’s happened for us. Can you even believe it?
Thanks to those of you who abided with me during our 3+-year-wait. I would not have made it through without your support.
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