I got a little green button in the mail today; a belated Christmas gift from a dear friend.
S. has been in my life for years. Her son is J. (the subject of my last post) and we met because of my relationship with him. Somewhere along the way she went from “J.’s mom” to one of the most important people in my life. Even as my friendship with him ended, ours has only grown closer. I am so grateful for that. Aside from my husband, she is my biggest cheerleader and supporter in becoming a mom.
I worked for her for a while. She sold advertising promotions. Anything a business wanted to put their logo on, she could make it happen. One of her clients, a high tech company, ordered large quantities of buttons for the trade shows they were involved in. Each one featured the company logo as a part of a different catchy saying. They became something of a craze. People collected and traded them like bubblegum cards.
I’d imagine she’s had this particular button for years in a box of samples, tucked away in a drawer, or perhaps displayed somewhere in the organized chaos that is her office. It’s a little worse for wear but I couldn’t love it more if it was made of gold.
Her gift arrived at a moment when I was doubting that I was strong enough to continue with infertility treatments. I was exhausted, depleted, and pretty hopeless.
But when I opened the box and found the little green button, its’ simple message reminded me that I am strong and brave, and that I can handle whatever infertility throws my way.
Sometimes all it takes is for one person to hold your dream when you can’t, to believe in you when you doubt yourself, to grab you by the shoulders and give you a little shake when you need it, and at just the right moment to tuck that dream into a box and hand it back to you.
S. did that for me. She reminded me that I CAN . . . do anything, even become a mommy.