Saturday, March 3, 2007

In the Broad Scheme of Things

Sixteen days of obsessive checking and there has been no sign of Aunt Flo. Perhaps she found the beaches of the Gulf Coast to her liking and has rented a timeshare down there.


I called my RE’s office on Friday to give them the bad news. I was going to wait until Monday but decided not to postpone the inevitable. When the nurse called me back, I told her the situation and mentioned right up front that I wanted to avoid a D&C if at all possible. I asked if I could do a couple of additional cycles of promet*rium instead, as my period was much heavier when I took it last month. I’m hopeful that we can make progress on thinning the uterine lining out that way.

The nurse called back a couple of hours later and said that my doctor was fine with that, but she wanted me to come in on Monday to get blood drawn for a pregnancy test and to check my hormone levels. She said checking the hormone levels will tell them where I am in my cycle. My first thought was, “WHAT DAMNED CYCLE?!?!” but I didn’t say so.

Since my positive pregnancy test a few days ago, I’ve taken three or four more and they’ve all been negative so I can’t imagine that the blood draw will show anything different. By the way, several of you have asked the brand name of the pregnancy tests from hell. Look at the title of my last post and think “opposite”.

I’ve spent a lot of time trying not to dwell on the fact that my body has failed once again. It would be very easy to get caught up in a wave of anger/self-pity, but nothing good can come from that, so I’ve been keeping busy.

My very favorite events of the year are the Heart of County and Tailgate antique shows in Nashville each spring and fall; four days and hundreds of dealers selling the absolute best in country antiques.

Heaven. On. Earth.

I love everything about it. I love seeing one-of-a-kind pieces that I’ll never find anywhere else. I love treasure-hunting and looking for things that really speak to me. I love people watching and trying to figure out why people love and collect the things they do. I love seeing old friends. I love walking around outside going from room to room and enjoying the fresh air and sunshine. I love getting lost in the past. What a great distraction the shows have been for me this week.

It’s also been difficult to feel too sorry for myself having seen the destruction caused by the tornadoes in Enterprise Alabama on Thursday. I would say that I can’t imagine the terror of having a storm like that headed right for you, but I can. My neighborhood was hit during the massive tornado outbreak on April 4, 1974, just after my 6th birthday. So my heart and my prayers go out to the people of that small town, to all the kids who were in that high school as it came apart, and to the parents who will never see their sons and daughters again.

In the broad scheme of things, it makes my disagreement with Aunt Flo seem pretty inconsequential.