Tuesday, March 3, 2009

The Language of SW

I’ve discovered a thing or two about dealing with D*C*F*S over the past 12 months. One of the hardest-learned lessons is about something called “SW Speak”.

That’s where you:

1. ask a very specific, very direct question
2. receive a response that you BELIEVE answers the question
3. and then discover once you think about it for a moment that the response doesn’t even remotely ADDRESS the original question

(Oh, and then there are the responses that are just plain old flat out BS. I’ve had a bunch of those too.)

So last night O sent an e-mail to our SW that we hope is about as SW speak proof as he could make it.
The e-mail went a little something like this:

1. A couple of weeks ago, you were going to contact the reso*urce worker at the state who has our home study to find out what was still missing from it. Were you able to get that information?

2. You were going to send the rest of that missing paperwork last week. Did you have the opportunity to do that?

Pretty straight forward, yes?

We also told her that we’d wondered a time or two if our former-SW-from-hell Mia might not have put something disparaging/untrue in our home study after we went to her supervisor about her. We don’t know that she would do that, but at the very least she had the opportunity. So we asked J to please skim our home study if she hadn’t already to see if there were any red flags there.

So now we wait for a response. If patience is a virtue, I’m going to be all kinds of virtuous before this is all said and done. And I don't like it one bit!