Thursday, March 5, 2009


I heard back from my friend C. and it appears that we are, indeed, out of luck once again.
She said that their policy was "recently revised" to spell out that they won't release copies of studies to other states for six months after approval.

Do not pass go. Do not collect $200.

Apparently once it's approved, I can get an unofficial copy of our home study and can submit it to states that will accept studies from the family. However, no placement can be made until our D*C*F*S provides an official copy to the state where the child resides, which won't be before 6 months after our approval.

As to the particular child we're interested in, I heard from foster mom who encouraged me not to give up - that it's very possible that the child will be kept in foster care for a year before the worker looks for permanent placement, in which case, the timing would work out just fine (provided our home study is approved in the next couple of months, that is).

On one hand, I'd love nothing more than the opportunity to be considered for this child, but I just don't have it in me to hope that he/she lingers in a foster home, albeit a FANTASTIC foster home, for an extra six months when he/she could be bonding with a forever family during that time.

However, if it happens that the child is still available when we're "ready", I will be a very very happy girl.

I did have one chuckle today re: this whole mess.

In the e-mail from my friend C, she said the state wouldn't release our study for six months "because of the time and effort that D*C*F*S invests in families doing the foster/adopt and home study process".


That's the funniest thing I've heard in weeks.