Monday, November 17, 2008

Mini Update

Well, I have a little bit more information, but not a lot at this point. This is what I know.

O and I had several long conversations about the kids over the weekend and I e-mailed J this morning letting her know that we were definitely interested, but had some additional questions. She wrote back right away and said the worker trying to place them really wants a home with experienced parents. Except that one of their prerequisites was also that it be a home with no other children. Mmmmkay. Not the first time I've been confused by D*C*F*S.

Anyway, the state worker who has our still-incomplete home study was going to send what paperwork she had to the kids' worker anyway, for her to review and see if we might be suitable even with the lack of parenting experience.

I told one of my close girlfriends about this opportunity on Thursday night and as we were ending the conversation she said, "I'll be praying that you get (boy) and (girl) and that you can adopt them." A very sweet sentiment, but I corrected her and asked instead for her to pray that it becomes very clear to us and to the workers involved whether we are a good fit for them and vice versa. If they are, then fantastic. If they aren't, it wouldn't be a good situation for any of us. So that's what I'm keeping in mind. If they are supposed to be "ours", they will be. If they aren't, then there is a another child (or children) out there somewhere and we are slowly working our way towards each other.

J is also checking with her supervisor about us switching to their county. I'd thought that it wasn't possible for me to loathe our county any more than I currently do, until I found out this morning that the state worker still doesn't have our background checks from the state Bureau of Investigation or the F*B*I. Nicole was supposed to send them back in the early summer. I told her if they didn't have them at the county level and we needed to go be fingerprinted again, to please let me know right away. Never heard another word. I wrongly assumed that at least THAT little piece was taken care of.

Apparently not.
