1. Our worker did talk with the state adoption worker today.
2. She forwarded him our home study which he will take a look at on Tuesday when he is back in the office.
3. His first question was what is the racial make-up of our area. We are obviously caucasian. This child is not. Our little town is very white, BUT . . .
4. We decided long ago that if we ever had a child, he or she would go to the schools in the next town over - larger, better school system and very diverse. That was a bonus, apparently.
5. We were asked if we had any family members and friends of this race. O's cousin and his wife who live in another state have adopted three boys of this race from the foster care system. In fact, his wife has been SUPER supportive of us on this journey and would be a great support and resource. That is apparently another plus. I also have several girlfriends whose children are mixed race so . . .
6. I'd hate to be rejected summarily because we're caucasian, but that may very well happen.
7. All I know is that this is a wild and crazy ride and I've got my hands up on the roller coaster.
8. With my fingers crossed.