Friday, August 13, 2010


Earlier this week I sent the following e-mail to Chris' worker:

Hi Miss Caseworker,

I found your e-mail address online and wanted to quickly touch base with you. O and I hope that you can help us with a couple of questions we have.

First of all, we wanted to make sure that you got our scrapbook and home study and see if you had any questions that we could answer for you.

Secondly, we wanted to see if you would share with us what Your County is thinking in regards to us being a possible placement for Chris.

While we understand that he isn't available for adoption at this point, our concern is this:

We've placed our adoption search on hold for about seven months, since Amy first approached us about raising her son. We were and are happy to do that. We adore Chris and are willing to wait almost forever for the chance to be his parents, if there is a realistic possibility that Your County will consider us for him. However, if we will not be considered for him - because we are out-of-state, or there is another family in mind for him, or for any other reason, we'd like to know that so we can contact our caseworker and restart our adoption search.

We absolutely understand that you can't predict what will ultimately happen with Amy's case, or make us any promises or guarantees of what the future holds. All we're really looking for is some assurance that if TPR is done, we will be seriously considered as an adoptive resource for Chris.

O and I would be so grateful for any light you may be able to shed on this situation or for any advice you may have for us. We look forward to hearing from you.

Thank so much.

Her response arrived just a few minutes ago. The dagger to the heart part???

If Chris does go up for adoption I have been told that we would have to first go to our non-special needs waiting list in our state for any possible families to adopt Chris. If there are none found, then we may be able to consider you as a possibility. This is part of policy that we have to follow.

Seven months of hopes and dreams blown apart with three sentences. I don't know how much more of this I can take. Truly.

Is 42 too late to take up drinking?