Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Next Verse . . . Not the same as the 1st . . . or 2nd . . . or 3rd

Greetings from beautiful Statesville NC.

O and I left early yesterday morning driving a brand new, nearly palatial 20-foot box truck headed for the Carolinas for a few days. His company has closed a bunch of stores in the area (even as they open more), so O volunteered to drive up and pick up a bunch of the remaining phone and computer equipment. He's meeting one of his technicians this morning to get started loading. They'll do the same thing tomorrow in SC.

Me? I'm still under the covers watching Sportscenter and eating the fruit O brought me for breakfast.

The drive yesterday was too long, too loud, and too bouncy. Car crazies set in about two hours from Statesville. But being with O was wonderful. He now fancies himself a trucker so from time to time he'd start singing one of those 1970's highway/trucker songs. (Unfortunately there are more of those than you think.) He also enjoys using his somewhat limited CB lingo on me.

In the very highest elevations in the mountains just outside of Asheville, the leaves were starting to change - just a little bit here and there. Oh did that make me HAPPY?!?!

What didn't make me happy? Nicole called, as promised. She said our C*A*N form and paperwork were ready to go and would be dropped in the mail yesterday afternoon. O said she used the phrase, "I promise" three times.

Good, right?

But remember how she told us on Friday that our fingerprints were back? Well, apparently mine are - both state bureau of investigation and F*B*I . They don't have either of O's.


I have a copy of his F*B*I results, so I'll fax them to her when we get home later this week. She is hopeful that they will suffice without redoing his state bureau of investigation check. I'm betting that won't fly, but we'll see.

I heard from my e-mail buddy C, and she said she thought more was missing from our home study than just the things Nicole mentioned, so she was going to check with the actual worker who is waiting for the remaining paperwork to find out what she needs. Please oh please don't let her come up with anything else!

I guess this is the perfect opportunity for me to practice my "on with my life" philosophy. I'm in a beautiful part of the country with my wonderful husband. I'm going to set aside this mess and enjoy myself - as much as a girl can in a too-loud-too-bouncy-nearly-palatial-20-foot box truck.