Friday, November 13, 2009

Buzzzzzzzzz - Updated

There's a buzz of excitement around our house the last 12 hours or so.

I can't say too much - don't want to jinx it - but I will say this . . .

We got an e-mail from our worker about a situation. Even if it works out, nothing will happen immediately and although there is the possibility that the rug might be completely pulled out from under us, we are buzzing with excitement this morning.

Well, with excitement and lots and lots questions.

On the agenda for today?

1. Shopping for Christmas ornaments with my Mom, Dad, and O. It's a tradition in our family - Dad and I have done it every year since I was a little girl.

2. One lengthy call to our worker.

**Updated** O found my kitty cat Opie dead this morning. We don't know what happened. He'd been sick a couple of weeks ago - was unable to move his front legs - but some major antibiotics and anti-inflammatories at the vet's office and he was almost back to normal. O found him laying back by our smokehouse where he eats and sleeps. My Ops is gone and I am devestated.