Friday, February 9, 2007


For some reason, I started reading IF blogs months before O and I ever threw the birth control away and started trying to make a baby. I believe there was some Divine intervention involved. I must have sensed on some level that we’d be walking down the very same path one day.

I spent a lot of this cold gray afternoon reading blogs – old favorites and a few new finds. In the midst of clicking from one story to another, I was struck by just how much these women have come to mean to me.

It sounds strange to some, I’d imagine. I have a fantastic group of girlfriends that I wouldn’t trade for the world, but the women who write these blogs – they are breathtaking. They are extraordinary.

They are teachers, willingly sharing their experiences and advice.

They are strong, continuing on after their hearts have been broken.

They are generous, with their lives and their stories.

They are real and raw with their anger and frustration and pain.

They are hopeful, always hopeful (well, ALMOST always!).

They are supportive and loving and kind.

And above, they are so damned brave.

I once read bravery defined as a quality of spirit that enables you to face danger or pain without showing fear. I couldn't disagree more.

If you want to see REAL bravery, look at these women whose lives have been touched by infertility. They are, in moments, absolutely scared to death and aren’t afraid to tell you about it.
Yet still they hope. Still they fight. And for those who choose to stop fighting, they find a way to go on.

THAT’S brave.

So I wanted to take a moment to thank all of the women who have touched my life by sharing their stories. I am humbled by their generosity and pray that one day each and every one will have someone to call them "mommy".

In the meantime, I am proud to call them "friend".