Monday, March 24, 2008

Not quite what I expected . . .

The Easter I expected . . .
A beautiful sunny spring day

Rising early to start cooking lunch

My husband running the vacuum for me

Showering and getting dressed in something girly and springy

Serving a wonderful meal to our family and friends who came to spend Easter with us

Eating only a little bit of everything I cooked since I'm committed to losing weight

Finishing off said wonderful meal with homemade Triple Decker Strawberry Cake with Strawberry Buttercream Frosting

Sitting around visiting with everyone after we ate

Having a relaxing afternoon with my husband & perhaps taking a nap in the hammock

Watching the H*B*O miniseries John Adams

Turning in after a wonderful Easter spent with those we love

The Easter I got . . .
 A beautiful sunny spring day, and having to immediately shut the blinds because I had a screaming headache

Calling our family and friends early to tell them they were on their own for lunch

My husband bringing me Tylenol, ice chips, water, and Maalox

Not showering . . . at all

My husband scrounging around in the kitchen to make himself a peanut butter sandwich for lunch

Actually losing weight because all I could eat was two bites of soup, a small bowl of applesauce and five saltines

Slapping my hands over my ears anytime food was mentioned, especially Triple Decker Strawberry Cake with Strawberry Buttercream Frosting

Only getting out of bed to stagger to the bathroom

Napping in bed with America’s Next T*op Mod*el

Falling asleep several times during the H*B*O miniseries John Adams

Turning in after a sickly Easter being waited on by the one I love

I thought it was the flu but my doctor assures me that it’s not one but TWO viruses. The first arrived Friday with a sore throat, drainage, and a fever. The second arrived Saturday afternoon and lasted through the rest of the weekend with a joyous mixture of fever, headache, diarrhea, constant stomach pain, and nausea. I still feel awful.

By the way, our home study was sent out on Friday. Yeah team! Unfortunately, I feel too awful to be remotely excited right now.
Back to bed for me . . . Nighty night!